
시민주인이되는 소통의 중심, 서울 수도권 대표 공익방송
2016년 연중기획 tbs상암시대를 시민과 함께
검색 검색

Broadcast Programming Regulation


tbs is broadcast for the citizen.
Therefore, based on public interest tbs pursues its role as public broadcast which fulfills citizen's rights to know and serve its key role as communication media providing platform for discussion.

The inviolable rights of tbs on its production, programming, reporting, news coverage is entrusted from the
citizens. tbs is to use this rights thoughtfully and has responsibility to protect it from any pressure

To protect its autonomy of programming, production and reporting tbs must firmly deal with unfair
interference from internal or external pressure but at the same time must refrain from abusing its power
for the sake of preserving its rights and autonomy in programming.

Hence, tbs pledges to faithfully carry out its duty entrusted by citizens by enacting Broadcast
Programming Regulation to abide by in the process of programming, production and reporting.

Chapter 1 General Rules

Section 1 (Purpose)

The purpose of this regulation, in accordance to Broadcast Law Article 4, Section 4, is to serve the interest of the citizens by fair and public-minded broadcast through securing autonomy in programming, production and reporting and also protecting independence of broadcast from internal and external interference.

Section 2 (Definition of Terminology)

① Broadcast programming defines decisions regarding type, contents, length, schedule and placement of the broadcast.

② The person in charge of the programming defines a person who has been appointed to take charge of the broadcast programming in accordance with Broadcast Law Article 4, Section 3.

③ Broadcast producer defines a person in the working level of programming, production and reporting.

④ Programming committee defines a committee with a purpose of making decisions such as appointing MC during the reshuffle of radio (95.1MHz, 101.3MHz) and television programs.

Section 3 (Standard of Broadcast Programming)

① Gather and converge diverse opinions of citizens to fulfill its role of social integration and actively broadcast programs that share the awareness of common value in civil society.

② Produce an open broadcast where citizens participate and become host of.

③ Produce a broadcast that is not biased toward any particular faction, company or organization based on fairness, independence and autonomy in the broadcast.

④ Produce a fair broadcast based solely on facts by firmly dealing with external pressure and unfair internal inference.

⑤ Delivering useful and valuable living information that caters to the needs of citizens of Seoul and surrounding areas as well as high quality traffic information to traffic population of Seoul and surrounding areas.

⑥ Produce a broadcast that inherits and develops our beautiful traditional cultural art and also creating and promoting new cultural art.

⑦ Public issue socially controversial and with conflicting opinions is to be presented with a balanced view.

Section 4 (Duty and Responsibility of the Person in Charge of the Programming)

① In accordance to Section 2 Clause 2 of this regulation and Article 3 of Ordinance on Operation of tbs, the person in charge of the programming for radio (95.1MHz, 101.3MHz) and television is Executive Director of Radio and TV Department respectively.

② The person in charge of the programming establishes a basic plan for programming and may make changes to programming if needed, also makes decisions on type, length, schedule and placement of the broadcast.

③ The person in charge of the programming is guaranteed of autonomy in programming and therefore will not receive unfair pressure or interference from any internal or external source.

④ The person in charge of the programming respects autonomy of the broadcast producers as much as possible and help make creative production environment.

⑤ The person in charge of the programming must receive consent of the broadcast producers by discussing any objection or request for change that broadcast producers have regarding programming.

⑥ The person in charge of the programming will announce any changes to be made by the reshuffle so that broadcast producer can fulfill the job in programming, production and reporting.

Section 5 (Rights and Responsibilities of Broadcast Producer)

① Broadcast producer need to abide by related law when producing a program and take full responsibility.

② Broadcast producer has right to know of the changes in the programming prior to programming reshuffle and can express opinion in regards to the reshuffle.

③ Broadcast producer can request for an explanation in case of an incident that undermines fairness and autonomy and express his/her opinion.

④ Broadcast producer cannot exert unfair pressure to particular person or group in the course of production and reporting and also cannot pursue his/her personal interest.

⑤ Broadcast producer must provide equal opportunity to individuals or group with conflicting opinions when covering a particular issue.

⑥ Broadcast producer must maintain balance and neutrality when producing a program covering election.

Section 6 (Protecting Rights and Interest of the Citizens)

tbs must respect citizen's opinion regarding broadcast program and strive to yield results in accordance with interest of the citizens to expand citizens' participation in the broadcast.

Chapter 2 Committee and Procedure for Program Reshuffle

Section 7 (General Principle for Reshuffle)

① Regular program reshuffle for radio (95.1MHz, 101.3MHz) and TV will take place twice a year (Spring/Summer, Fall/Winter).

② There will be a non-periodical reshuffle outside the regular reshuffle if needed.

③ Programming Committee will convene when there is a program reshuffle.

Section 8 (Authority of Programming Committee)

Programming Committee convenes during a regular or non-periodical reshuffle in accordance with autonomy and independence of broadcast programming defined by Broadcast Law Article 4 and the rights and the committee is bound to rights and responsibilities related to it.

Section 9 (Duty of Programming Committee)

Programming Committee decides on the following matters.

① General direction and schedule of the reshuffle

② Launching and cancellation of a Program

③ Appointment of MC and assessing compensation for MC

④ Evaluation of MC (within two months prior to next reshuffle)

⑤ Other matters related to reshuffle

Section 10 (Composition of Programming Committee)

① Programming Committee is formed individually by radio (95.1MHz, 101.3MHz) and TV department.

② The Committee is to be composed of 10 or more members including a chairperson (Executive Director of Radio or TV) and also include a member each recommended by News Department and Engineering Department and two producers with ranking lower than team manager.

Section 11 (Operation of Reshuffle Committee)

① Program producer has rights to submit reshuffle proposal and MC evaluation to Reshuffle Committee and Reshuffle Committee must take it into consideration.

② Reshuffle Committee convenes with majority of its members in attendance and decide on consent by majority of attending members. And the committee must take minutes for each meeting.

③ Reshuffle Committee can convene when there is a need for MC replacement outside regular reshuffle or when chairman feels the situation calls for one.




第一张 总则




① '广播编制'指规定广播的种类、内容、份量、时间、顺序。

② '编制负责人'指根据广播法第四条第三项,选出的广播编制的负责人。

③ '广播制作人'指从事,编制,制作和报道的人员。

④ '编制委员会'指制定广播(95.1MHz,101.3MHz)和电视节目的改版和主持人选定等必要项目的委员会。


① 听取市民的多样意见,发挥社会统和的作用,播放能够共有市民社会基本价值的节目。

② 制作以市民为主人的广播。

③ 保持广播的公正、独立、自由,不倾向于任何一个政党、团体、机关。

④ 坚决抵抗外面施加的不当压力,制作以事实为根据的公正广播。

⑤ 提供有助于首尔和首都圈市民生活的有益信息以及交通信息。

⑥ 通过制作节目发展及继承优美的韩国文化艺术,创作及传达新文化艺术。

⑦ 报道在社会引起争论的公共问题时,不倾向于任何一方,以多样的角度,公平报道。

第四条 (编制负责人的权利及义务)

① 根据第二条二项以及'首尔特别市交通广播电台运营条例'第三条,广播(95.1MHz, 101.3MHz) 编制负责人指广播局局长,电视编制负责人指电视局局长。

② 编制负责人制定基本编制计划,根据需要可以变更编制,决定节目的种类、分量、时间和排列。

③ 编制负责人具有编制的自由性,不受内外界施加的不当压力以及干涉。

④ 编制负责人尊重广播制作人的自由,并提供有创新性的制作环境。

⑤ 广播制作人提出关于编制的意见时,编制负责人必须与广播制作人商量及听取广播制作人的意见。

⑥ 为了能让广播制作人顺利编制、制作、报道,编制负责人必须提前预告编制改版的内容。

第五条 (广播制作人的权利及义务)

① 广播制作人遵守相关法规,违反法律法规,会受到制裁和处分。

② 广播制作人具有提前掌握编制内容的权利,并且可以提出关于编制的意见。

③ 当危害公正性和自由性的重大问题发生时,广播制作人可以提出自己的意见。

④ 在采访过程中,广播制作人不许将不当压力施加给他人和特定集体,不许追求个人的利益。

⑤ 广播制作人报道特定案件时,给予每个人和集体平等发表意见的机会。

⑥ 制作选举节目时,广播制作人必须保持中立。

第六条 (市民权益保护)


第二章 节目改版的机构及程序

第七条 (改版的一般原则)

① 一年两次(春夏季、秋冬季)实行广播(95.1MHz, 101.3MHz)与电视的固定节目改版。

② 除了定期改版之外,根据需要实行随时改版。

③ 除了定期改版之外,根据需要实行随时改版。

第八条 (编制委员会的权利)


第九条 (编制委员会的职务)





④评价主持人 (以下次改版为基准的两个月内)


第十条 (编制委员会的组成)

① 广播(95.1MHz, 101.3MHz)与电视各自运作自己的编制委员会。

② 编制委员会人数为包括委员长(广播局和电视局的局长)的十人以上,其中包括两人报道局以及技术局的推荐委员、干部以外的节目制作人两人以上。

第十一条 (编制委员会的运作)

① 广播制作人对编制委员会可以提出改版计划书和主持人评价书,编制委员会必须积极反映广播制作人的意见。

② 只要半数以上的人出席时,编制委员会就可以开始审议,出席委员的半数以上人同意时议决,并且必须做会议记录。

③ 除定期改版之外根据委员长的需要或一定要换主持人时,可以召开编制委员会。